How to Set Up a Ready Web Site?
Creating a website today is extremely easy with ready-made websites. In the past years, it was necessary to have a certain infrastructure to make a website. However, thanks to developing technologies and new generation tools, it is now possible to establish a website without this infrastructure. With ready-made tools, there is no need to write even a single line of code. Moreover, the diversity offered by these tools also makes it possible to set up unique and different websites. These tools also bring important advantages. One of these advantages is that the website can be made quickly. In addition, ready-made website tools significantly reduce website costs.
İdil Kulaç
2 Eylül 2020
I Want To Build A Website. What should I do?
Internet pages containing information shared on the internet such as pictures, videos, animations, music are called websites. For example;,, as well as news sites, blog sites, social networking sites, video sites and music sites. When we search for a word on the internet, every page we come across is a website.
29 Ağustos 2020
5 Important Factors You Should Know For E-Commerce Website Setup
Creating an e-commerce site is easy but it is not that easy to manage, and the decisions made before starting the site life can lead to great regrets in the future. For this reason, the website must perfectly meet all the factors necessary for e-commerce. Today, visitors can leave e-commerce sites very easily due to very simple design flaws. For example, the exit rate of sites whose loading time exceeds 3 seconds increases up to 75%. Moreover, even if the site is improved later, it is very difficult and costly to bring users back to this site.
İdil Kulaç
7 Ağustos 2020
How Do I Make Money From My Website?
CDATA[Working and making money on the internet is one of the biggest dreams of many people. Making money on a website can be done without serious responsibility or big investments. However, in order to do this, certain steps must be followed and most importantly, as with any business idea, it must be stable.
Halim AltınSoy
1 Eylül 2020
What is E-Commerce and How Is It Done?
E-Commerce is when any goods or services are provided on the internet for a price. The most popular example of e-commerce is shopping. However, there are also various examples such as online auctions, internet banking, and buying movie tickets on the internet. Mobile commerce or m-Commerce is one of the fastest growing areas of e-commerce. The rapid development and spread of smart phones and the addition of smart tablets to these devices, along with the fact that young people who grew up with these devices began to shop, paved the way for the rapid development of mobile commerce. This year, mobile commerce volume increased by 39.1% compared to the previous year. These data show us that both e-commerce and mobile commerce will grow more in the coming years.
Mustafa Gürhan
10 Temmuz 2020
Domain Query and 7 Things Those Who Want to Buy a Domain Should Know
Although there is a word for domain in Turkish, the "domain" has settled into our language as a term. In order to make a website, it is necessary to purchase a domain and hosting service. Before purchasing a domain, it should be checked whether the domain to be purchased is in use. This process is called Domain Query. Available domains can be informed through companies that buy domains.
2 Aralık 2019