What is Whois?
Whois are the records which indicates who owns a registered domain name. If it is not privately hidden, you can check the Whois information to determine who the domain name belongs to.
Some information is required when registering a domain name. According to ICANN regulations, Whois databases store contact information for all registered domain names. These are contact information such as Name, address, phone number and e-mail address. It also includes information about the availability of the Whois domain name, registration / expiration dates. There is a contact information editing panel for you to edit Whois information in domain registrars.
How To Make A Whois Domain Search?
For the Whois Domain Search, you can query the domain name of which Whois information is desired by searching from our Whois service. As a result of this search, you can see the information about the domain name held at the domain registrar. For this; it will be enough to write the domain you want to know the information of in the box using our Whois Query Tool above and pressing the "Query Whois" button.
What is Whois Privacy?
Whois Privacy is preventing domain name registration information from being seen by third parties. It is a domain service that blocks it. You may not want your personal contact information to be accessed by anyone searching the Whois database. For this reason, you can purchase Whois Protection from LimonHost when purchasing your domain name or later. With Whois protection, when the Whois information of the relevant domain name is queried, the personal information of the person who registered the domain will not be viewed by other persons.